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Home >> ELECTROLUX >> EDE5355 Owner's Manual
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Owner's Manual

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  • PDF Format
  • Complete manual
  • Language: English, Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian, Croatian, Slovenian
Price: $4.99

Description of ELECTROLUX EDE5355 Owner's Manual

Complete owner's manual in digital format. The manual will be available for download as PDF file after You purchase it.

Owner's Manual ( sometimes referred to as User's Guide or User's Manual ) contains information on how to use Your device. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address.

The manual is available in languages: English, Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian, Croatian, Slovenian

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Other Reviews
 VP-A30 SAMSUNG Owner's Manual by Johan Lund;
My first manual from but not the last! I am very satisfied with the easy ordering and promt delivery of a manual I did not find anywhere else.
 PE1644 PHILIPS Owner's Manual by Thijs Werkman;
This manual is very helpfull to use the Power Supply. All technical information has been available. For service use the circuit diagrams are very good. Thanks .
 SATELLIT 2100 GRUNDIG Owner's Manual by Jean-Robert LAROCHE;
Very comprehensive document which is a must-have for any Satellit 2100 owner whose set up is somewhat intricate. Due to the bad quality of the pictures that are rather dark and a bit blurred I gave 4-star feedback.
 SA-GX505 TECHNICS Owner's Manual by David Salars;
The manual was missing 2 pages but when I presented the problem to the company they made every attempt to get the 2 pages to me, when they couldn't they refunded my money. A very pleasing and easy transaction. The manual they provided was the original, it was concise and to the point. I plan to do business with this company again when should the need arise.
 CT-W502R PIONEER Owner's Manual by tom dolfin;
The owners manual is very good. all my how to questions were answered in detail.

Text excerpt from page 12 (click to view)
Secventa de operare
Inainte de a utiliza uscatorul pentru prima oara, va recomandam sa plasati cateva carpe vechi in uscator si sa le uscati pentru 30 de minute. Poate exista praf intr un uscator nou nout.

activat. Rotiti butonul selector de programe la pozitia "0"; ledul se dezactiveaza. Eliberati butonul ON/OFF (Pornit/Oprit) (ledul care indica conectarea la sursa se dezactiveaza) si scoateti rufele imediat.

1. Conectati aparatul. 2. Deschideti usa.

Dupa fiecare utilizare
� Rotiti butonul selector de programe la pozitia �0�. � Opriti aparatul eliberand ON/OFF (Pornit/Oprit) . Ledul care indica conectarea la sursa se dezactiveaza. � Curatati filtrele. A se vedea instructiunile corespunzatoare. Important! In cazul in care programul de uscare trebuie oprit inainte de a ajunge la final, va recomandam sa aduceti butonul selector de programe in pozitia (racire) si sa asteptati pana la finalul acestei faze inainte de a scoate rufele. In acest mod veti evita formarea de caldura in interiorul aparatului. Modificarea programului Pentru a modifica un program care este in executie, mai intai anulati l, aducand butonul selector de programe in pozitia "0". Selectati un program nou si apasati butonul Start .



3. Incarcati toate articolele odata, scuturandu le amplu. 4. Inchideti usa.Va rugam sa va asigurati ca rufele nu au fost prinse intre usa si filtru. 5. Apasati butonul ON/OFF (Pornit/Oprit) : Ledul care indica conectarea la sursa se activeaza. 6. Selectati programul de uscare sau timpul. 7. Daca este necesar, apasati butonul pentru temperatura redusa si/sau butonul pentru anularea semnalului sonor .

8. Apasati butonul Start pentru 2 secunde: se activeaza ledul si incepe procesul de uscare. Cuva se roteste alternativ in ambele directii in timpul uscarii. Toate programele de uscare se incheie cu o faza de racire de 10 minute (se activeaza ledul ). Puteti scoate rufele dupa aceasta faza. 9. In cazul in care rufele nu au fost scoase la finalul ciclului, uscatorul efectueaza o faza anti sifonare (durata: maxim 30 minute) Semnalul sonor se aude odata la 10 secunde ( in cazul in care nu a fost apasat butonul ). Ledurile si ilumineaza alternativ. In cazul in care nu scoateti rufele, aparatul se va opri automat la finalul fazei anti sifonare. Ledul ilumineaza intermitent si ledul care indica faptul ca aparatul este conectat la sursa de alimentare cu energie electrica ramane 40

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