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Absolutely perfect! I've been trying to understand how to use all or at least some of the features of the receiver and especially the remote.
Copy of genuine owners/operators manual, very useful
The manual was a perfect match and was exactly what I was looking for. I'm very satisfied with my purchase.
Thank you for having the manual I needed for an older model Aiwa stero I had found on Ebay --- I wanted the Aiwa because I had tapes and cd's but I did not have a manual as to how to operate the system... I found what I needed and it has enabled me to set the system up for my enjoyment.
I wished detailed information of the JBL S310 and here I found it! Very happy with the service from this site!
Tässä osassa kerrotaan mistä saat ohjeita ja neuvontaa, jos sinulla on ongelmia tietokoneesi kanssa. Sony tarjoaa useita tukipalveluja tietokonettasi varten.
Katso lisäohjeita tietokoneen mukana tulevista painetuista ja online-asiakirjoista osasta Asiakirjapaketti (sivu 8), sekä muista viitelähteistä.
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